вторник, 31 января 2012 г.


                                Библиотека им В.Маяковского



На английском языке:  

Видеокурс английского языка «Learning English»

02  февраля в 14.30   «Looking for housing»  уроки 3, 4 (60 мин.).
          06 февраля в 14.30 – «Marketing»  уроки 1, 2 (60 мин.).          
          09 февраля 14.30   «Marketing»  уроки 3, 4 (60 мин.).
          13  февраля в 14.30 «Reacreation and Leasure»  уроки 1, 2 (60 мин.).
          16 февраля в 14.30   «Reacreation and Leasure»  уроки 3, 4 (60 мин.).
20 февраля в 14.30 –  «Buying Clothing»  уроки 1, 2 (60 мин.).
27 февраля в 14.30 –  «Buying Clothing»  уроки 3, 4 (60 мин.).
Документальные фильмы
01  февраля в 14.00 «Wild China: Heart of the Dragon» (BBC, 2008 г., 50 мин.).
          08  февраля 14.00 «Wild China: Shangri - La» (BBC, 2008 г.,  50 мин.).
15   февраля 14.00 «Wild China: Tibet» (BBC, 2008 г.,  50 мин.).
          22 февраля 14.00 «Wild China: Beyond  the Great Wall»(BBC, 2008 г.,50 мин.).
          29  февраля в 14.00 «Wild China: Land of the Panda»(BBC, 2008 г., 50 мин.).

Час сериала            «Jeeves and Wooster»  по рассказам  П. Г.  Вудхауза. Демонстрируется с русскими субтитрами

 02  февраля в 16.00 –  1 серия (50 мин.).

                       06 февраля в 16.00 –   2 серия (50 мин.).          
          09 февраля в 16.00 –   3 серия (50 мин.).
          13  февраля в 16.00 –  4 серия (50 мин.).
16   февраля в 16.00 –  5 серия (50 мин.).
2 сезон
20 февраля в 16.00 –  1 серия (50 мин.).
27 февраля в 16.00 –  2 серия (50 мин.).      
«Фильмы 60-х»  
          7 февраля в 16.00 – «Сactus Flower» (реж. Д. Сакс, 1959 г., комедия, 105 мин.).  Демонстрируется с английскими субтитрами.
          14 февраля в 16.00 «How to steal a million» (реж. У. Уайлер, 1966 г., комедия,  109 мин.). Демонстрируется с русскими субтитрами.
«Кумиры 20-го века»   
       21 февраля в 16.00 «The Great Caruso» (реж. Р. Торп, 1951 г., драма,  109 мин.). В роли Карузо – Марио Ланца.
         28 февраля в 16.00 –«Sinatra. The classic duets» Документальный фильм. (2003 г.,63 мин.).
«Экранизация классики»
 08  февраля в 17.00 –   «David Copperfield» ч. 1
(реж. C.  Кертис, в ролях: Д. Рэдклифф, А. Армстронг, 1999 г., драма, 87 мин.). По роману Ч. Диккенса
         09  февраля в 17.00 –   «David Copperfield» ч. 2
(реж. C.  Кертис, в ролях: Д. Рэдклифф, А. Армстронг, 1999 г., драма, 92 мин.).

Киноклуб «РАКУРС» приглашает:

       3 февраля в 16.00 «The cider house rules» (реж. Л. Халлстром, 1999 г., мелодрама,  121 мин.). 

       4 февраля в 17.00 – «Failure to Launch» (реж. Т. Дей,  2006 г., комедия, 97 мин.).
       10 февраля в 16.00 «The Age of Innocence» (реж. М. Скорсезе, 1993 г., мелодрама, 139 мин.).
     11 февраля в 17.00 «The Social Network» (реж. Д. Финчер, 2010  г., драма,  116 мин.).
       17 февраля в 16.00 «Shakespeare in Love» (реж. Д. Мэдден, 1998 г., мелодрама, 123 мин.).
       18 февраля в 17.00 «Rear Window» (реж. А. Хичкок, 1954  г., триллер,  112 мин.).     
       24 февраля в 16.00 «Gosford Park» (реж. Р. Олтман, 2001  г., детектив,  132 мин.).     
       25 февраля в 17.00 «An Education» (реж. Л. Шерфиг, 2010  г., драма,  98 мин.).                               

 Приглашаем Вас по адресу:  
наб. реки Фонтанки, 46, 2 этаж, медиатека.

Вход свободный.

т. 571-00-04

9 Form Have something done

9 Form  Have something done
Present Simple
He fixes the tap.

Present Continuous
He is fixing the tap.

Past Simple
He fixed the tap.

Past Continuous
He was fixing the tap.

Future  Simple
He will fix the tap.

Future Continuous
He will be fixing the tap.

Present Perfect
He has fixed the tap.

Present Perfect Continuous
He has been fixing the tap.

Past Perfect
He had fixed the tap.

Past Perfect Continuous
He had been fixing the tap.

He must fix the tap.

-ing form
It`s no use fixing the tap.

понедельник, 30 января 2012 г.

9 Form Have something done

9 Form  Have something done
Present Simple
He fixes the tap.  
He has the tap fixed.
Present Continuous
He is fixing the tap.
He is having the tap fixed.
Past Simple
He fixed the tap.
He had the tap fixed.
Past Continuous
He was fixing the tap.
He was having the tap fixed.
Future  Simple
He will fix the tap.
He will have the tap fixed.
Future Continuous
He will be fixing the tap.
He will be having the tap fixed.
Present Perfect
He has fixed the tap.
He has had the tap fixed.
Present Perfect Continuous
He has been fixing the tap.
He has been having the tap fixed.
Past Perfect
He had fixed the tap.
He had had the tap fixed.
Past Perfect Continuous
He had been fixing the tap.
He had been having the tap fixed.
He must fix the tap.
He must have the tap fixed.
-ing form
It`s no use fixing the tap.
It's no use having the tap fixed.

вторник, 24 января 2012 г.

Card 4 9th form term2

Card 4 Youth Culture

  1. What is youth culture connected to?
  2. What is image of a teenager associated with?
  3. Why is sport often a part of youth culture?
  4. What types of relaxation are popular with teenagers?

Youth Culture 9th form

Youth Culture
Being a teenager is a time of intense conflict and change. It can be the greatest and most exciting time one minute and the most traumatic and difficult the next. Many aspects of your life become harder to cope with – parents rarely seem to understand you, school pressure has never been greater, and relationships with friends become either stronger or more complicated. The culture of youth is often connected to how teenagers create and develop their identities, finding ways to express and discover themselves. Many aspects of teenage culture involve associating with a particular group; by dressing in a certain way, listening to a particular kind of music, and/or doing a particular activity or sport, This all helps to define them as belonging to a group and so offers protection and support.
Teenagers have often had a great influence on the fashions of a time – with low or no incomes, they often improvise, either making their own or mixing whatever is available.
To many teenagers, image is important and expressing one`s own tastes and identity is very much a part of growing up and discovering oneself. This is often associated with using a particular type of language, or slang, which can also help to define you as belonging to a certain group. These days, in Britain, much of the slang used by teenager seems to involve using words that are opposite to what you want to say. In this way, ‘wicked’ or ‘bad’ actually means ‘fantastic’ or ‘really good’. Other words are made up because they sound like what they are describing. For example, ‘ minging’ was originally invented to mean ‘smelling disgusting’, and has evolved to mean revolting or even ugly. Therefore, ‘he`s a minger’ means ‘he`s disgusting’ or ‘he`s really ugly’. This sort of slang evolves extremely fast and by knowing the latest version, you identify with the group that uses that language. By using this ‘code’, you therefore claim membership to a certain group and at the same time, you exclude those, for example, parents, that you don`t want to know what you are talking about.
Sport, such as football, tennis and athletics, will always be popular as they mix keeping fit with socializing. Skateboarding is hugely popular, particularly in cities, both as a way to get around and as part of a culture including music and fashion. Groups of lads wearing massive baggy trousers, over-sized T-shirts and hooded tops can be seen in most green spaces and even car parks, practicing skating down steps, sliding alone hand rails, trying to ‘catch some air’ or ‘pull a vert’. The tricks some of these guys can pull are incredible and it gives them something to do while just hanging out. Girls, known as ‘Skate Betties’, are also a part of these groups, although it seems that they do less of the actual boarding. But the fashion is still there -     baggy jeans, little tops and belly rings and the occasional eye brow ring can all be seen.
At seventeen or so, many teenagers are getting their first job and a little cash is starting to come in. School work is also putting on the pressure as exams approach. It is therefore important, even crucial, that they get to spend time relaxing with friends – hanging out. Music, TV, films and computers all have their part to play in filling this time. There is a huge amount of music types in the charts and in the shops these days; hip hop, pop, rock, indie, r&b, soul and reggae, to name just a few. The music itself comes with associated fashion, dance styles and images delivered through videos, magazines and TV. Of course, as teenagers grow up, there is a lot of experimenting to be done. Trying different styles associating with different groups, even experimenting with schools, drugs and sex all play their part.
The rise in the use of computers and, in particular, the Internet has opened up a whole new world for spreading information about all aspects of youth culture. Teenagers    in, say, Prague can simply log on to a chat room and can be chatting away to teenagers in, say, Manchester within minutes. This has meant that , instead of having to filter down through magazines, TV and word of mouth, interests such as music and fashion can be shared immediately. This instant access to information has had a huge influence on youth culture, which now changes much more rapidly and with influences from all over the world.
As teenagers start earning money, many choose to get themselves a mobile phone. The phenomenon of ‘texting’ has taken the teenage world by storm, being able to send and receive short messages instantly. It has also brought about a whole new kind of language, as texters try to shorten their messages to save time and money. Now, letters mix with numbers and punctuation to make messages that can take some time figuring out! 

пятница, 20 января 2012 г.

9th form Personal letter

Личное Письмо 9 класс

  1. Адрес в правом верхнем углу (допускается указывать адрес в кратком виде), например:
                                                                                                               St Petersburg

  1. Под адресом, пропустив строку, необходимо написать дату письма:

                                                                                                                7 June 2012
                                                                                                                June 21
  1. Неофициальное обращение

Dear Tim,

  1. В первом параграфе  
·        Благодарность
Thank you for your last letter.

·        Упоминание о предыдущих контактах
Sоrrу I haven’t written for so long as I was busy with my exams (school).

·        Упоминание факта из полученного письма
I’m glad you enjoyed your birthday party.
I was glad (happy/pleased) to hear that…..

  1. Основная часть письма
    • You asked me about the……
6.   Заключение

·       Well, I must go now as I have to
·       Anyway, I have to go and finish my….
·       Hope to hear from you soon.
·       Take care and keep in touch!

  1. На отдельной строке завершающая фраза-клише  и запятая,  и  имя (без фамилии)
под завершающей фразой

       Best wishes,

пятница, 13 января 2012 г.

8th form card 2 (4) TERM2

 1.     I’d like (I want) to work as a ………because……
I’m going to be a …………………..because……
I’ve always wanted to become a ………because……
  •      I’ve always wanted to help sick people
  •       I want to save lives
  •       I like meeting people and socialising
  •       I enjoy doing dangerous things
  •       I love looking after plants (animals)
  •       I don’t mind working hard
  •       I like travelling a lot
  •       I am good at Maths (Physics, Biology, sports, music)
2.        I think ………s have to be……,…….. and ……….. as ……………..
3.        As far as I know …………s have to … ….and ………. However, they don’t have to ……..
4.        If you want to become a ……….you have to study a lot and to be good at ………..
5.        After school I’m going to study ……… at university (at a college).I know that I need good grades to go to university ( college) so I’ll do my best to pass my State Exams. I’m working really hard at my …..     at the moment.  I just hope I’ll be a good …….

среда, 11 января 2012 г.

8 form Card 2
1.      Is it easy to become a firefighter? Why /why not?

2.      What kind of people choose a job of a barman? Why do you think so?

3.      Why do doctors have to work hard?

4.      What are you going to be? Why?