среда, 23 ноября 2011 г.

What are the Russians like? 8th form Card1(2)

                                What are the Russians like?
    When foreigners think of Russians as one nation, they are mistaken as Russia is a land of over 100 nationalities so it’s difficult to describe a typical Russian. Some Russians are fair-haired with blue or grey eyes, while others are dark-haired with brown eyes.
    However, there are many things that Russian people have in common. For example, most Russians are patriots of their country. They are usually homesick when they leave Russia for a long time and they are keen supporters of traditions. Russian people keep up a lot of folk traditions based on Christianity and the Russian Orthodox Church but there are other religions in Russia too and  there are people who are non-believers.
      Like British people, Russians enjoy gardening. They grow their own fruit and vegetables in summer. Some people say that Russians can be careless and disorganized but I think that most Russians are kind-hearted, hospitable and friendly people who like receiving guests and treating them to many delicious dishes.

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