Card 6, Q1 - What does it take to be a good scientist?
In my opinion a true definition of science is that it is a vast collection of facts and secondly, a collection of rules and laws which explain the connection between these facts. This doesn't sound very interesting, but it is extremely important. Human society cannot develop without scientific progress. (To be a scientst you have to have...)
Card 6, Q2 - What two main types of scientists can we define?
I think we may define two types of scientists: firstly, those who put forward theories which appear absurd at the beginning and finally are recognised great. Secondly, those who make their own inventions or make inventions of other people into practical things. Most typical of both are Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison. Edison is known all around the world for some of his successful inventions such as phonograph, the incandescent (electric) bulb and moving pictures. He usually worked 18 or more hours a day, and put all his money into his experiments. His devotion to work was extremely rare. Albert Einstein was a scientist of quite a different type. His only tools were his mind, a pen and a note-book. With these he developed his theories that gave birth to the atomic theory. Science in the service of people that was Einstein's hope. He wanted people to use atomic energy wisely.
Card 6, Q3 - How was the annual Nobel Prize founded?
In the history of science there are some outstanding names known to the whole world. One of them is Alfred Nobel, a Swedish scientist and inventor. He invented a new explosive, dynamite for peaceful purposes, but it was used as a weapon of war. The whole world knows his name due to the annual Nobel Prize. According to his will the money he left made up Nobel’s Foundation. The shares of this foundation bring profits every year and the Prize money comes from these profits. (Every year, six Nobel Prizes...)
Card 5, Q1 - What is the role of science and technology in our life?
The advantage of science is that there are no state boundaries to it. Constant exchange of ideas among the scientists have always existed. The 19th and the early 20th centuries were the time of extremely important scientific discoveries. Some of them were of practical character, like the first steam engine, electricity and radio. The others represented ideas and theories. For example, Charles Darwin published two books: "On the Origin of Species" and "The Descent of Man". They demolished the old theories and gave way to modern science stating that man came under the same laws as all other living things. Another man whose ideas radically changed the mentality of people in the 20th century was Tsiolkovsky, who worked out the theory of space flights. Then, in April 1961 Yuri Gagarin became the first person to orbit the Earth.
Card 5, Q2 - What inventions in the history of mankind do you regard as most important?
Throughout the 20th century science and technology brought a lot of improvements into people's life. Medical researches help to control many devastating diseases. Computer technology has considerably affected the way of life in many countries. Computers are used to assemble, store, process and reproduce information. The computer age is just dawning. No one can say how far the computer revolution will go or what its long-term consequences may be. (I suppose...)
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