понедельник, 7 октября 2013 г.

Robert Burns World Federation Essay Competition 2014

 Robert Burns World Federation Essay Competition 2014

St Petersburg Forum and the Robert Burns World Federation has set the following essay topic for 2014

From Robert Burns ‘The Cotter’s Saturday Night’ discuss the theme -
'An Honest Man's the Noblest work of God’

Entries will be accepted from 13 – 16 year old students on the closing date for the competition.  All entries must be received by 15th December 2013 to allow time for adjudication.  Late entries will not be accepted and judged.

The competition will be judged by Helen Morrison, Isa Hanley and Helena Anderson Wright,  members of the Robert Burns World Federation

Winners will receive prizes, certificates and medals, from the Robert Burns World Federation and St Petersburg Forum, which will be presented at the final of the ‘Knowledge of Scotland’ Competition during the ‘Days of Scotland in St Petersburg in Jan/Feb 2014.

Please send entries to Elizabeth Clark, Chairman,
St Petersburg Forum  Telephone 00 44 1505 612 466
e-mail  cliftonclark@dsl.pipex.com  Please include date of Birth and School

Copies must be sent to Margarita Mudrak – Chairman
Association for International Cooperation, St Petersburg
by e-mail  mmudrak@mail.ru

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