вторник, 11 октября 2016 г.

Voluntary Work

Voluntary Work
      1.More and more young people are taking on volunteer work nowadays. 2. Some even travel to the other side of the world and do unpaid work for a charity  or a non-profit organization. 3.There is a wide variety of voluntary jobs to choose from.
      4. Many students volunteer for educational programmes for children around the world. 5. They teach subjects like English and Maths .6. It is also a great opportunity for students to work and train with local teachers and develop their own skills.7. It is a learning experience for both the children and the teacher.
      8.Young people who are good with their hands or simply would like to help in a very practical way can participate in construction projects. 9. They help build houses or schools for poor children all over the world.
      10.For people interested in wildlife, conservation groups organize volunteer holidays throughout the world. 11. For example, lots of volunteers come to Malaysia to help conserve the endangered green turtle. 12.Participants monitor the turtles on the beaches, protect them and their eggs.
     13. A volunteer holiday is for people who want to make a difference in the world and are ready to give up their own time, money, and effort to do it. 14. Of course, they cannot change the world in two or three weeks, but every bit of help counts. 15. Thanks to young volunteers, the lives of millions people around the world are improving.

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