The opening speech
Russia - Confrontation and Compromise in the Global World.
The French Republic
Fellow Delegates,
All Member
States are facing a lot of problems which should be solved. The problem of
waste is continuing to spread and aggravate. The violation of freedom of speech which is partly caused by their restriction of the Internet and social media resources is particularly alarming, . We all are extremely worried about the possible
consequences of it in all spheres of the country's life.
we consider the Russian Federation in the 21st century to be an
influential state. Russia has an abundant resource base and its economy is on
the rise. Therefore, we ought to cooperate with this country.
On the
other hand, the Russian Federation's foreign policy is aimed at eliminating
global terrorism. We are sure Russia can help us solve different problems
linked not only with international military conflicts but also with local
response, we need a more diplomatic and unified UN approach to collaborate with
the Russian Federation and steer in the right direction because it is essential
to establish good diplomatic relations.
Thank you.
FORUM: The General Assembly 19March 2019
FORUM: The General Assembly
QUESTION OF: The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and
Regular Migration
(GCM) is a problem solution? isn’t it?
MAIN SUBMITTER: The French Republic
Reminding all nations
of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which recognizes the inherent
dignity and inalienable rights of all global citizens;
Reaffirming its
Resolution 55/93 of 28 February 2001 and Resolution 45/158 of 18 December 1990,
which encourage Governments to work with UN bodies aimed at improving the situation
of migrants and their families;
Respectfully taking into
consideration experience of previous conferences, relevant UN bodies and other
organizations. Whereas it is essential to promote the development of migrants
rights and the ideas of GCM itself;
1. Encourages all member states to strengthen global governance of migration by
bringing International Organization for Migration into the UN family and
through the development of a Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular
2. Condemns actions of authorities aimed at xenophobia, racism and
discrimination towards all migrants;
3. Calls for supporting countries in rescuing,
receiving and hosting large numbers of refugees and migrants;
4.Appeals to all member states to integrate migrants – addressing
their needs and capacities as well as those of receiving communities – in
humanitarian and development assistance frameworks and planning;
5.Urges to develop,
through a state-led process, non-binding principles and voluntary guidelines on
the treatment of migrants in vulnerable situations;
6. Further recommends
cooperation to avoid deaths on migration routes and saving lives at sea and
elsewhere, strengthening the fight against smuggling of migrants and human
trafficking as well as fighting irregular migration

FORUM: The General Assembly 19 March
FORUM: The General Assembly
OF: Violation of Freedom of Speech as a Natural Right in Modern RussiaMAIN SUBMITTER: The French Republic
Reminding all nations of the Declaration of Human and Civic
Rights of 1789, which protects freedom of speech, therefore speaking, writing
and publishing freely, except what is tantamount to the abuse of this liberty in
the cases determined by Law.
Considering that, in accordance with the principles proclaimed in the
Charter of the United Nations, recognition of the inherent dignity and of the
equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the
foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.
Guided by the European Convention on Human Rights and by the
Law of July 29, 1881, on Freedom of the Press, which is considered one of
France’s foundational laws in matters of freedom of speech.
Expressing concern that multiple violations of the right to free speech
that occur in different regions of the country, affecting developing countries
and the regions of the war, require immediate elimination, coordinate and
direct interventions from other participants of the international community and
national Goverments. We consider that the freedom of the speech must be spread
out to promote universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and
the attention to the fact that the
individual, having duties to other individuals and to the community to which he
belongs, is under a responsibility to strive for the observance of the rights
recognized in the present.
Recommends to strengthen society’s ability to deal with race
discrimination, non-observance of civil and political rights and respect and
ensure to all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction
the rights recognized in the European Convention on Human Rights.
Calls upon Governments to engage all people in formulating their opinion regarding an act correctly,
expressing their attitude towards committed act as non-compliance with the
constitutional aspects of the presentation of their thoughts, relies legal responsibility.
Requires to ban all the information which is not valid by
European Convention on Human Rights and Declaration of Human and Civic Rights
because it is inadmissible to use freedom of speech and of the press for
purpose of the propaganda of fascism and aggression, the dissemination of false
news and dishonest information and also for the purposes of fomenting hostility
between peoples.
Considers that Russia should repeal the repressive legislation
adopted in recent years, stop prosecuting critics under the guise of fighting
extremism, and uphold its international obligations to safeguard free
FORUM: The General Assembly 19March 2019
FORUM: The General Assembly
QUESTION OF: Waste (rubbish) Recycling. Goals and Methods
MAIN SUBMITTER: The French Republic
Reminding all nations of the
International environmental law, which regulates relations on environmental
protection, conservation and rational use of natural resources,
Bearing in mind
Paris Climate Conference (COP21) 2015 which led to a new international
climate agreement, applicable to all countries, aiming to keep global warming
below 2°C.
Taking into account the Goal of the Global Pact for
the Environment (5 September 2017) which is based on the recognition of the fragmented
nature of international environmental law. Given the rise of threats to our
environment on a planetary scale, and fueled by the momentum of the Paris
Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
1. Expresses concern that the
multiple and complex
causes of the
ecological issues that occur in different regions of the world, affecting
developing countries and the
areas with war conflicts, require a comprehensive
and coordinated response
in the short,
medium and long
term by national Governments and the international community: we believe it is necessary to gather within a single text the various
elements that make up international environmental law and to supplement them in
light of new challenges.
2. Calls for strengthening international environmental law, in furtherance of the Sustainable Development
Goals, and thus making it easier to implement the environmental pillar of
sustainable development, the pact will be a tool for all states for
implementing Agenda 2030.
3. Recommends to strengthen societies' ability to deal with the impacts of climate
4. Calls for providing continued and
enhanced international support for
adaptation to developing
5. Recommends citizens play an active part in
climate-oriented initiatives.
6. Demands to develop clean mobility that
is accessible to everyone, encouraging people to replace a vehicle, which does not
meet the “Crit’Air” (Air Quality Certificate) standards, with a cleaner one.
7. Urges to harness agriculture in the fight
against climate change: efforts will get underway to transform agricultural
systems with a view to curtailing emissions and improving the capture and
storage of carbon in the ground.
FORUM: The General Assembly 19March 2019
FORUM: The General Assembly
OF: Compliance with International Law in Military Conflicts
Reminding all nations of the International humanitarian law, that
regulates the conduct of war and protect persons who do not participate or who
have ceased to participate in hostilities;
Reaffirming the resolution adopted by all fifteen member States of the UN Security
Council on February 26, 2011 in connection with the uprising in Libya and
assistance to the Libyan people;
Fully support the independence,
sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within the internationally
recognized borders;
Noting with
satisfaction the past efforts of various relevant UN bodies and nongovernmental
Fully believing that a peaceful
resolution of the conflict is possible and call on all sides to swiftly and
fully implement the Minsk agreements and honour their commitments in full in
order to achieve a sustainable political solution to the conflict;
Declaring the protection of children in
armed conflict a top priority.
Demands to put an end to violence and calls for steps to be
taken to meet the demands of the population;
Calls upon the authorities to respect human rights, to
grant access to international observers, to ensure the security of all foreign
citizens and their property, to ensure the delivery of humanitarian and medical
goods to the country and access for humanitarian agencies and workers, to lift
restrictions on the media;
Requests all member States to facilitate the evacuation of all
interested foreign nationals;
Decides to establish a Committee of the Security Council on
the situation in Libya
5. Appeals to Member States to provide humanitarian assistance to Libyan citizens
6. Urges all parties to the
conflict in Ukraine to re-establish full access for all international
humanitarian organizations to the non-government controlled areas and to allow
smooth and speedy delivery of humanitarian assistance in line with humanitarian
principles and International Humanitarian Law
7. Proclaims the
protection of humanitarian and medical personnel
8. Calls upon the Security Council to adopt
measures to respond to repeated acts of violence and other acts impeding the
provision of medical care in armed conflict and to include this issue in the
mandate of peacekeeping operations.
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