среда, 26 сентября 2012 г.

10th form term 1 Card 2 material for ques.4

During the Earthquake:
  • If you are indoors, stay there. Quickly move to a safe location in the room such as under a strong desk, a strong table, or along an interior wall. The goal is to protect yourself from falling objects and be located near the structural strong points of the room. Avoid taking cover near windows, large mirrors, hanging objects, heavy furniture, heavy appliances or fireplaces.
  • If you are cooking, turn off the stove and take cover.
  • If you are outdoors, move to an open area where falling objects are unlikely to strike you. Move away from buildings, power lines and trees. 
  • If you are driving, slow down smoothly and stop on the side of the road. Avoid stopping on or under bridges and overpasses, or under power lines, trees and large signs. Stay in your car.
During a Volcanic Eruption
  • Listen to a local station on a portable, battery-operated radio or television for updated emergency information and instructions. If the electricity is out, this may be your main source of information. Local officials will give the most appropriate advice for your particular situation on local media.
  • Follow any evacuation orders issued by authorities. Although it may seem safe to stay at home and wait out an eruption, doing so could be very dangerous if you are in a hazard zone. The best way to stay safe is to take the advice of local authorities.
  • If indoors, close all windows and doors to keep volcanic ash from entering. 
  • If outdoors, take shelter indoors. Your safest place is indoors, away from various hazards.
  • Stay out of designated restricted zones. Effects of a volcanic eruption can be experienced many miles from a volcano.
  • Avoid low-lying areas and river valleys downstream of the volcano. Debris and ash will be carried by wind and gravity.
  • Stay in areas where you will not be further exposed to volcanic eruption hazards.
  • Wear a dust mask designed to protect against lung irritation from small particles.
  • Protect your eyes by wearing goggles. Wear eyeglasses, not contact lenses.
  • Keep as much of your skin covered as possible.

вторник, 25 сентября 2012 г.

Form 9 Term 1Card 5

Card 5. Form 9. Term 1. Unit 12.

1. Why is the Alton Towers Hotel popular in Britain?
2. What impresses its guests first?
3. Why is nobody bored at the Alton Towers Hotel?
4. Would you recommend the hotel to your friends? Why/Why not

пятница, 21 сентября 2012 г.

конкурс переводчиков


Кафедра раннего обучения иностранным языкам
Института детства РГПУ  им. А.И. Герцена
проводит региональный
Конкурс перевода на русский язык  произведений  детской английской литературы
 «Поэзия и проза для детей»
 для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений
 Санкт-Петербурга и Ленинградской области.

Сроки проведения: с 01.10.2012 по 09.11.2012.
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Кафедра раннего обучения иностранным языкам Института детства
РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена: Московский пр., д.80, 2 этаж,  каб. 31.

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10th Form Term1 Card2(3)

10th Form Term1 Card2(3)

If a natural disaster strikes some place, lots of people help survivors. Rescue workers pick up casualties and survivors by helicopter, move them away from the dangerous area and take them to hospital if necessary. Sometimes Red Cross doctors treat the injured. Volunteers build shelters, fire-fighters put out the fires and other countries send emergency medical supplies. The government gives money to help pay for the rebuilding of the houses which have been destroyed while survivors are trying to get over the shock. 

среда, 19 сентября 2012 г.

10TH Form Term 1 Card 2 (2)

10TH Form Term 1

Card 2 (2)

A volcanic eruption is very dangerous as it causes massive destruction as well as deaths.At first, a mountain is hit by an earthquake and the top of the mountain is blown off by an explosion which might be heard miles away. Huge blocks of ice and rock fall onto the surrounding area, then the tremendous heat inside is released. Hot ash and gas come out of the mountain, causing a lightning storm as it  rises into the air. White ash, along with steam and thick mud, continue to pour from the giant crater left by the explosion.
At each stage of this dramatic eruption people are killed. The explosion causes the first casualties; people are injured or die due to the force and heat of it. Then the hot ash starts fires which burn vast areas of forest, causing more deaths.The volcanic cloud might be so large and dark that it seems day turns into night, forcing airports to close temporarily as pilots might fly their plane into a cloud, hit electricity cables and crash. Mud from the volcano runs down the mountainside and fills rivers, causing flooding. People living nearby are forced to leave their homes as the water continues to rise.

вторник, 18 сентября 2012 г.

Card 4 Form 9 Unit 11 Term 1.

Card 4 Form 9 Unit 11 Term 1.

1. What ecological problems do big cities suffer from?
2. What could be done to improve air pollution in big cities?
3. How could the governments solve the problem of litter in the streets?
4. Would it be a good idea to create more parks in big cities? Why?

Big cities have a lot of ecological problems. The most serious ones are overpopulation, lack of drinking water, the problem of rubbish, traffic noise and air pollution.
   Air pollution is a serious problem as many people in big cities suffer from different illnesses because of it. We could help the situation if the governments improved public transport. Then people would leave their cars at home. Also, if people used bicycles, the cities would be less polluted. Finally, if we had more trees and green areas, we would have more oxygen to breathe.
  The streets of big cities are covered with litter and look untidy. The governments could solve the problem if they put bins on every street corner. Then people would not drop litter everywhere. What is more, it would be a good idea to collect and recycle paper to save trees and forests.
   There are many accidents on the roads of big cities when children are seriously injured or killed. It happens because they often play in the streets. If we created more parks, children would be able to play safely. What is more, they could spend more time in the fresh air and be close to nature.
    All in all, our cities should be planned more carefully. Better public transport and rubbish collection, along with more parks and other green areas would make our cities more environmentally friendly and healthier places to live in.

10th form term1 card 2

10th form term1


1. What two categories can all disasters be divided into?
2. Why is a volcanic eruption dangerous?
3. What measures are taken if a disaster strikes some place?
4. What safety rules should you follow if you are caught in a natural disaster (e.g. a tornado)?

10th form term2 Card 2 Sample answer ques.1

10th form term2
Card 2
Nowadays the humanity suffers from a great number of natural and man-made disasters. The scientific and technological progress has changed the life on our planet and, as a result, our natural resources are exhausted, the ecological balance of the planet is disturbed, many species of flora and fauna disappeared, pollution threatens everything alive. Man destroys the environment with arson, oil spills and the use of chemicals. However, the environmental problems are not the only ones. Every year thousands of people die because of natural disasters such as floods, tidal waves, droughts, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, avalanches and landslides. I think the biggest problem with natural disasters is that we can’t predict and avoid them in time.

четверг, 13 сентября 2012 г.

10th form term1 card 1(3,4)

       Children are often at a risk on holiday when they are left unattended by their parents. Children might be run over by a car when they play on the road or might start a fire playing with matches. Also, children might scald or cut themselves, swallow pills or cleaning products and poison themselves. Lots of accidents happen to children by the water where they might slip off the rocks and drown or be caught by the tides when the sea comes in and covers the rocks. Children often get into trouble as they don't know or don't follow safety rules. 
      However, there are some adults who are overcaucious. For example, many people are scared of going on cruise trips because they think that cruise ships are not safe enough and can sink if something goes wrong. Everyone has heard of the Titanic that sank in the North Atlantic ocean after colliding with an iceberg during her maiden voyage, so people are afraid that there won't be enough lifeboats for everyone in case of emergency. In such situations people start panicking, lose control of their emotions and can't think clearly. To my mind, human error is a cause or contributing factor in disasters and accidents. That's why we should always remember about safety, be careful and stay calm in order to avoid accidents.