понедельник, 24 февраля 2014 г.

10th form term2 card3

Ent 3 unit 17
10th form term2 card3
  1. Why are so many plants and animal species becoming extinct nowadays?
  2. Why is it difficult to protect some endangered species, e.g. wolves or crocodiles?
  3. What can be done to protect animals in danger?
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of national parks?
  1.   Nowadays more and more plants and animal species are becoming extinct. First of all, many animals find it difficult to survive as their natural habitat is being destroyed by growing cities. The earth forested areas are in danger of disappearing completely as trees are burnt or cut down. Increased fishing, water, air and land pollution contribute to the extinction of many species as well. Thirdly, illegal hunting threatens some rare species to become extinct. This process can be controlled if we protect animals in danger by law. However, some endangered species are difficult to protect, for example, wolves or crocodiles.

     3.   Furthermore, to save rare animals governments should introduce harsher punishment for             illegal hunters and raise public awareness about endangered species. We should also plant more forests and create  more national parks where endangered species will have a better chance of survival.

понедельник, 17 февраля 2014 г.

понедельник, 10 февраля 2014 г.

Business 11th form Unit 10 Nouns and prepositions

Unit 10 Nouns and prepositions
1.       An enquiry into fraud
2.       Involvement in community affairs/ with local communities
3.       An interest in the development of a company
4.       Support for a project
5.       Satisfaction with results/in completing the report
6.       A percentage of sales
7.       A tax on profits
8.       Research into electronics/ on the effects of pollution
9.       An effect on performance/of the cutbacks (сокращение расходов)
10.   Take responsibility for the validity
11.   An advertisement for the company
12.   The result of the changes