вторник, 28 января 2020 г.


The opening speech
Issue: Russia - Confrontation and Compromise in the Global World.
Delegation: The French Republic
Honorable Chair,                                                                                                              Fellow Delegates,
All Member States are facing a lot of problems which should be solved. The problem of waste is continuing to spread and aggravate. The violation of freedom of speech which is partly caused by their restriction of the Internet and social media resources is particularly alarming, . We all are extremely worried about the possible consequences of it in all spheres of the country's life.
However, we consider the Russian Federation in the 21st century to be an influential state. Russia has an abundant resource base and its economy is on the rise. Therefore, we ought to cooperate with this country.
On the other hand, the Russian Federation's foreign policy is aimed at eliminating global terrorism. We are sure Russia can help us solve different problems linked not only with international military conflicts but also with local conflicts.
In response, we need a more diplomatic and unified UN approach to collaborate with the Russian Federation and steer in the right direction because it is essential to establish good diplomatic relations.
Thank you.


FORUM: The General Assembly       19March 2019


FORUM: The General Assembly

QUESTION OF: The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
(GCM) is a problem solution? isn’t it?

MAIN SUBMITTER: The French Republic


Reminding all nations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which recognizes the inherent dignity and inalienable rights of all global citizens;

Reaffirming its Resolution 55/93 of 28 February 2001 and Resolution 45/158 of 18 December 1990, which encourage Governments to work with UN bodies aimed at improving the situation of migrants and their families;

Respectfully taking into consideration experience of previous conferences, relevant UN bodies and other organizations. Whereas it is essential to promote the development of migrants rights and the ideas of GCM itself;

1. Encourages all member states to strengthen global governance of migration by bringing International Organization for Migration into the UN family and through the development of a Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
2. Condemns actions of authorities aimed at xenophobia, racism and discrimination towards all migrants;

3. Calls for supporting countries in rescuing, receiving and hosting large numbers of refugees and migrants;
4.Appeals to all member states to integrate migrants – addressing their needs and capacities as well as those of receiving communities – in humanitarian and development assistance frameworks and planning;
5.Urges to develop, through a state-led process, non-binding principles and voluntary guidelines on the treatment of migrants in vulnerable situations;
6. Further recommends cooperation to avoid deaths on migration routes and saving lives at sea and elsewhere, strengthening the fight against smuggling of migrants and human trafficking as well as fighting irregular migration



FORUM: The General Assembly               19 March 2019

FORUM: The General Assembly
QUESTION OF: Violation of Freedom of Speech as a Natural Right in Modern Russia
MAIN SUBMITTER: The French Republic
Reminding all nations of the Declaration of Human and Civic Rights of 1789, which protects freedom of speech, therefore speaking, writing and publishing freely, except what is tantamount to the abuse of this liberty in the cases determined by Law.
Considering that, in accordance with the principles proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.
Guided by the European Convention on Human Rights and by the Law of July 29, 1881, on Freedom of the Press, which is considered one of France’s foundational laws in matters of freedom of speech.
Expressing concern that multiple violations of the right to free speech that occur in different regions of the country, affecting developing countries and the regions of the war, require immediate elimination, coordinate and direct interventions from other participants of the international community and national Goverments. We consider that the freedom of the speech must be spread out to promote universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and freedoms.

1.     Draws the attention to the fact that the individual, having duties to other individuals and to the community to which he belongs, is under a responsibility to strive for the observance of the rights recognized in the present.
2.     Recommends to strengthen society’s ability to deal with race discrimination, non-observance of civil and political rights and respect and ensure to all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction the rights recognized in the European Convention on Human Rights.

3.     Calls upon Governments to engage all people in formulating their opinion regarding an act correctly, expressing their attitude towards committed act as non-compliance with the constitutional aspects of the presentation of their thoughts, relies legal responsibility.

4.     Requires to ban all the information which is not valid by European Convention on Human Rights and Declaration of Human and Civic Rights because it is inadmissible to use freedom of speech and of the press for purpose of the propaganda of fascism and aggression, the dissemination of false news and dishonest information and also for the purposes of fomenting hostility between peoples.

5.     Considers that Russia should repeal the repressive legislation adopted in recent years, stop prosecuting critics under the guise of fighting extremism, and uphold its international obligations to safeguard free expression.


FORUM: The General Assembly       19March 2019

FORUM: The General Assembly

QUESTION OF: Waste (rubbish) Recycling. Goals and Methods
MAIN SUBMITTER: The French Republic


Reminding all nations of the International environmental law, which regulates relations on environmental protection, conservation and rational use of natural resources,
Bearing in mind  Paris Climate Conference (COP21) 2015 which led to a new international climate agreement, applicable to all countries, aiming to keep global warming below 2°C.
Taking into account the Goal of the Global Pact for the Environment (5 September 2017) which is based on the recognition of the fragmented nature of international environmental law. Given the rise of threats to our environment on a planetary scale, and fueled by the momentum of the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

1.       Expresses  concern that  the  multiple  and  complex  causes  of  the  ecological issues that occur in different regions of  the  world, affecting   developing   countries and the areas with war conflicts, require  a  comprehensive  and  coordinated  response  in  the  short,  medium  and  long  term by national Governments and the international community: we believe it is necessary to gather within a single text the various elements that make up international environmental law and to supplement them in light of new challenges.

2.       Calls for strengthening international environmental law, in furtherance of the Sustainable Development Goals, and thus making it easier to implement the environmental pillar of sustainable development, the pact will be a tool for all states for implementing Agenda 2030.

3.       Recommends  to strengthen societies' ability to deal with the impacts of climate change.

4.       Calls for providing continued and enhanced international support for adaptation to developing countries.

5.       Recommends citizens play an active part in climate-oriented initiatives.

6.      Demands to develop clean mobility that is accessible to everyone, encouraging people to replace a vehicle, which does not meet the “Crit’Air” (Air Quality Certificate) standards, with a cleaner one.

7.       Urges  to harness agriculture in the fight against climate change: efforts will get underway to transform agricultural systems with a view to curtailing emissions and improving the capture and storage of carbon in the ground.


FORUM: The General Assembly       19March 2019

FORUM: The General Assembly
QUESTION OF: Compliance with International Law in Military Conflicts

Reminding all nations of the International humanitarian law, that regulates the conduct of war and protect persons who do not participate or who have ceased to participate in hostilities;


Reaffirming the resolution adopted by all fifteen member States of the UN Security Council on February 26, 2011 in connection with the uprising in Libya and assistance to the Libyan people;

Fully support the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within the internationally recognized borders;

Noting with satisfaction the past efforts of various relevant UN bodies and nongovernmental organizations;

Fully believing that a peaceful resolution of the conflict is possible and call on all sides to swiftly and fully implement the Minsk agreements and honour their commitments in full in order to achieve a sustainable political solution to the conflict;

Declaring the protection of children in armed conflict a top priority.

1.     Demands to put an end to violence and calls for steps to be taken to meet the demands of the population;
2.     Calls upon the authorities to respect human rights, to grant access to international observers, to ensure the security of all foreign citizens and their property, to ensure the delivery of humanitarian and medical goods to the country and access for humanitarian agencies and workers, to lift restrictions on the media;
3.     Requests all member States to facilitate the evacuation of all interested foreign nationals;
4.     Decides to establish a Committee of the Security Council on the situation in Libya
5.    Appeals to Member States to provide humanitarian assistance to Libyan citizens
6.   Urges all parties to the conflict in Ukraine to re-establish full access for all international humanitarian organizations to the non-government controlled areas and to allow smooth and speedy delivery of humanitarian assistance in line with humanitarian principles and International Humanitarian Law
7.     Proclaims the protection of humanitarian and medical personnel
8.  Calls upon the Security Council to adopt measures to respond to repeated acts of violence and other acts impeding the provision of medical care in armed conflict and to include this issue in the mandate of peacekeeping operations. 

понедельник, 20 января 2020 г.

Travelling(to read) 10th form

Whenever we think of travel, we get images of spending our leisure time at a place, which is far from the hustle and bustle of our normal life, a place which is unique in its own way. We are fortunate to live in a world today where travelling is open to more of us, to a far greater extent, than
ever before. It is possible for us to travel virtually from anywhere on the planet to anywhere else within, at most, a twenty-four-hour time period.
This means that we have opportunities which even our own parents or grandparents could literally only have dreamt of and it is therefore important that we avail ourselves of these opportunities whenever we possibly can, for a number of very good reasons.
The most important benefit of travelling is that it is very much an educational experience. It opens our eyes to not only a wide variety of different places but to a variety of different cultures. It allows us to see the way in which other ethnic groups live their lives and to better understand the reasons why they do so. This can be an excellent way of eliminating misunderstandings and prejudices, and this teaches us to be more tolerant of other customs and religious beliefs. The experienced traveller thus learns to keep an open mind and cultivates a heart of tolerance for differences, as his frame of reference is wider. He recognises that his perspective depends on the angle from which the issue is faced, and so there is never only one truth, but the possibility of many truths not only exists but is
actually more likely. Travel allows 'living' opportunities to discover different cultures and communicate with people whose habits and histories offer fresh perspectives and experiences.
Second, travelling can be a wonderful way to actually see and therefore fully appreciate the magnificence of some of the world's greatest sites, of which we have previously only read or seen pictures. Whether we refer to the Grand Canyon, the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Barrier Reef, or
any one of thousands of others, actually seeing these places with our own eyes is very different to seeing them even on TV Shows, books. TV and the Internet can never portray the reality of having experienced something first hand. It can open our minds to the natural wonders of the world around us and lead us to having a greater understanding of our world and the forces which act upon it. Leafing through a coffee table book on fine art or history simply doesn't compare to standing in front of the Venus de Milo statue or looking across the Grand Canyon. Add the dimensions of
sight and sound, the tastes of regional cuisine, the unique customs of other cultures, and you add genuine colour to black and white knowledge.
Travelling can be a fantastic way to refresh both our bodies and our spirits. It is frequently argued that a change is as good as a rest and this is particularly true when it comes to our immediate surroundings. Travelling gives us a chance to escape the daily routine to 'recharge the batteries' by
relaxing with family and friends, When we are travelling, we may spend even less time resting than usual but the distraction which it provides as well as the pleasant experiences can help us return home fully refreshed and ready to get on with the business of going about our daily lives with
new- found vigour.
Travelling can be a magnificent source of inspiration to such as the writer or artist. As all their senses are stimulated in new and exciting ways, the creative juices can really start flowing and allow them to come up with fresh ideas. Whether it is the smell of the spices in a Middle Eastern
marketplace, the awesome majesty of one of the world's largest mountain ranges, or the sandy beaches of a remote tropical island, sources of inspiration  will greet the creative traveller at every turn and twist of their journey.
All in all, travel is an experience not to be missed or taken for granted. Our homes are wonderful and safe havens in which we feel most comfortable, but there is definitely something to be said for stepping out of our comfort zones to travel to other places. It is not a requirement to travel far and wide at the great expense of time and money. There can often be an equal amount of adventure and discovery waiting in another part of our country as there is on the other side of the world. TheThe essential element is not where you travel to, but simply that you do.

Travelling(to learn) 10th form

Whenever we think of travel, we get images of spending our leisure time at a place, which is far from the hustle and bustle of our normal life, a place which is unique in its own way. We are fortunate to live in a world today where travelling is open to more of us, to a far greater extent, than ever before. It is possible for us to travel virtually from anywhere on the planet to anywhere else within, at most, a twenty-four-hour time period. This means that we have opportunities which even our own parents or grandparents could only have dreamt of.
           The most important benefit of travelling is that it is very much an educational experience. It opens our eyes to not only a wide variety of different places but to a variety of different cultures. It allows us to see the way in which other ethnic groups live their lives and to better understand the reasons why they do so. This can be an excellent way of eliminating misunderstandings and prejudices, and this teaches us to be more tolerant of other customs and religious beliefs.The experienced traveller thus learns tokeep an open mind and cultivates heart of tolerance for differences, as his frame of reference is wider

Second, travelling can be a wonderful way to actually see and therefore fully appreciate the magnificence of some of the world's greatest sites, of which we have previously only read or seen pictures. Whether we refer to the Grand Canyon, the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Barrier Reef, or any one of thousands of others, actually seeing these places with our own eyes is very different to seeing them even on TV shows.  Books, TV and the Internet can never portray the reality of having experienced something first hand. It can open our minds to the natural wonders of the world around us and lead us to having a greater understanding of our world.

Travelling can be a fantastic way to refresh both our bodies and our spirits Travelling gives us a chance to escape the daily routine to 'recharge the batteries' by relaxing with family and friends, When we are travelling, we may spend even less time resting than usual but the distraction which it provides as well as the pleasant experiences can help us return home fully refreshed and ready to get on with the business of going about our daily lives with new- found vigour.
All in all, travel is an experience not to be missed or taken for granted. Our homes are wonderful and safe havens in which we feel most comfortable, but there is definitely something to be said for stepping out of our comfort zones to travel to other places.

вторник, 14 января 2020 г.

Form 10 EATING OUT. 2017. Speaking

Task 4.Study the two photographs. In 1,5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs.

Picture 1. 

                                                                                                                             Picture 2.

  • give a brief description of the photos(what is happening in the photos, location);
  • say what the pictures have in common;
  • say in what way the pictures are different;
  • what place for eating out you would prefer;
  • explain why.

You have to speak for 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously.
                                                SAMPLE 2.      
I want to compare and contrast these two pictures.

No doubt, there are different places to eat out because in our hectic life people have no time for cooking, and eating out is convenient and gives a chance to relax and save time.

The first picture shows a young couple in an expensive restaurant. Maybe they are dating or celebrating their first wedding anniversary. In the second picture we can see a group of youngsters, enjoying their meals together. I suppose they may be students, having some lunch during a break at the university.

These pictures have some  things in common. First of all, they show young people who are having a good time together and all of them seem to be relaxed and happy. Besides, in both pictures we see the places popular with young people who are dating. Definitely, all the young people are enjoying their meals and the atmosphere of the place.
However, there are also some differences between these pictures. The main difference is that in the first picture the young couple is dating in a cosy restaurant serving maybe national cuisine, which is rather expensive while in the second picture the young people are in a fast food restaurant where the food is of reasonable price but it is not very healthy. One more difference is that in the first picture the young people are wearing formal clothes because of a dress code in such places. Unlike them, the youngsters in the second picture are wearing casual clothes such as jeans and T-shirts which is typical of less formal occasions. 
  • As for me , I would prefer to eat out at a fast- food restaurant because, first of all, my friends  and I can afford the price of the food there .What is more, it is not necessary to book the table in advance to enjoy meals and have a nice meeting with friends.
  • All in all, choosing the place for eating out depends on one’s individual preferences and finances.