четверг, 26 апреля 2012 г.

9th form term3

Why is the Internet so addicting? We know that the Internet has an unlimited amount of information and services. Logging onto the Internet is like a kid going to a toy store; there is so much to do and explore that once you get in, you never want to leave. We often find ourselves spending countless hours wandering from one website to the next. Along the process we often lose focus on time and reality. That is not to say that the Internet is bad, it's just being misused. Another problem is virus threat. Computers attached to the internet are more prone to virus attacks which can crash your whole hard disk.

9th form Ing forms dictation

Ing forms

  1.               Начать  делать что-либо(2вар.)
    2.       Продолжать делать что-либо(2вар.)
    3.       Наслаждаться, любить  делать что-либо(2вар.)
    4.       Возражать делать что-либо(2вар.)
    5.       Ходить на рыбалку, в походы
    6.       Развлекаться делая что-либо
    7.       Иметь трудности делая что-либо(2вар.)
    8.       Проводить хорошо время делая что-либо(2вар.)
    9.       Жаловаться на
    10.   Мечтать о
    11.   Извиниться за
    12.   Винить за
    13.   Простить за
    14.   Помешать кому-либо сделать что-то(3 вар.)
    15.   Верить в
    16.   Интересоваться чем-либо
    17.    Участвовать в ч.л.
    18.   Преуспеть в ч.л.
    19.   Быть способным сделать ч.-л.
    20.   Быть виновным в ч.-л.
    21.   Ждать с нетерпением ч.-л.
    22.   Иметь привычку к ч.-л.

вторник, 17 апреля 2012 г.

8th form Сard 4. “Theatrical Life of St. Petersburg.”

 Сard 4. “Theatrical Life of St. Petersburg.”

1. Why is the theatrical life in St. Petersburg rich?
2. What kind of performances do drama theatres offer to the public?
3. What other places can you recommend to visit in St. Petersburg? Why
4. What was the last performance you saw? (Where? When? What was it like?)

Sample for Question 4.

  The last performance I saw was a comedy “Uncle’s Dream” at the Tovstonogov Bolshoy Drama Theatre. The theatre is one of the oldest theatres in St.Petersburg , famous for its brilliant actors such as Evgeniy Lebedev, Kirill Lavrov, Alisa Freindlikh, Oleg Basilashvili and many others. They have created a lot of true-to-life characters both on the stage and films.
The classical comedy is based on Dostoevsky’s play about attempts of an elderly woman to marry her daughter to an old rich man in order to get his money and noble title. The producer of this performance was Vladimir Ivanov. Oleg Basilashvili performed the part of an old Duke who fell in love with a young lady Zina. Alisa Freindlikh starred in the part of Madam Moskaleva. The play was full of funny scenes which were always followed by the laughter of the audience. It was a real success because when the play ended the house burst into applause. I really recommend you to see the performance.

Sample 2.

Once I went to the Opera House to see a ballet. It was one of the most beautiful ballets in the world called “Giselle.” The ballet was written by the French composer Adam. It is a story of a nice village girl Giselle and a very rich young man Albrecht. He runs away from a dull life in the palace. Nobody in the village knows about it. Albrecht falls in love with Giselle and she loves him too. The tragedy comes when a princess and her father come to the village and tell Giselle that Albrecht is going to marry the princess. Giselle goes mad. She tries to dance and dies. This is the story.
It was a tragic scene and it made a great impression on me. The music was splendid. The costumes and the scenery were wonderful. I was greatly impressed when Albrecht danced together with the spirits of the girls. The girls wore beautiful long dresses. I think the most beautiful scene was when the spirit of Giselle saved Albrecht from death and they danced together. The ballet made a great impression on me and I advise you to see it.

воскресенье, 15 апреля 2012 г.

8th form Term 3.Card 3. Topic " The Cinema"

Term 3.Card 3. Topic " The Cinema"

1. Why are people's leisure time activities so different?
2. Why is a visit to the cinema an excellent entertainment?
3.Why isn't it easy to make a new film?
4. What kinds of films are popular with people? Why?

четверг, 12 апреля 2012 г.

9th form Card2 British Press, Card3 Mass Media

Card 2 British Press

  1. Why do people read newspapers?
  2. In what two different ways do papers in Britain treat information?
  3. What are the most popular quality papers and tabloids in Britain?
  4. What makes Fleet street the symbol of the British Press?

Card3 Mass Media

  1. What is the role of  Mass Media in modern life?
  2. What does the term Mass Media refer to?
  3. What are the most popular sources of information nowadays and why?
  4. What are the negative effects of  Mass Media?

Where do you prefer to get information and why?

вторник, 10 апреля 2012 г.


                             Card 1
1.       Why is changing school a stressful experience?
2.       What advice can be given to a teenager who starts a new school?
3.       What makes exams so stressful for students?
4.       What should you do in order to cope with you stress and be a success at an exam?

9th form Card 1(1,2)

                                                                                                                                                                      Zhokhova L.
Changing school is a rather stressful experience. To start with, you don’t know anyone or anything at your new school and you are afraid that you won’t be able to make new friends. What’s more, with no one to support you, you think that your new schoolmates might start teasing you or, even worse, bullying. You know that bullying is a common experience for many teenagers. Children who are bullied experience real suffering that can interfere with their social and emotional development, as well as their school performance. You miss your old school and friends as never before. You are frustrated, terrified and miserable. However, you need just a little time and patience to overcome your fright.
There are some useful tips you should follow to feel at home at a new place:

Be confident. Walk with your head held high and don't slouch. If you look confident, everyone will think you're confident. That's why first impressions are so important.

Get used to the school.  Using the Internet, it’s easy to find out ahead of time about the new school and what it offers. This way you'll know where everything is. You also won't be embarrassed because you do not know where anything is.

Join in some after school activities. That way you will meet some friends that have the same interests as you.
Introduce yourself to your new teachers. They will be glad that you can speak for yourself and will respect you for that. It may be hard for you but you do not have to do it in the middle of class!

Try to look your best the first day of school. Wear your best outfit (not fancy), and do your hair nice and neat. Remember, first impressions are important.

Talk with the person who sits next to you. You'll make a friend you sit next to every day.

Smile. Smiling is one of the quickest ways of making people like you. It makes you seem more friendly.

There are also some clever strategies to deal with bullies.

Don't  fight back. Instead, try walking away to avoid the bully, or seek help from a teacher or other adult.

 Practise what to say to the bully to be prepared the next time.

Practise being assertive. The simple act of insisting that the bully leave you alone may have a surprising effect. The bully's true goal is to get a response.

Try to be with classmates when travelling back and forth from school, during  school trips, or on other outings. Bullies are less likely to pick on a person in a group.

9th form 3 term Card 1(3)

Taking exams is also a very stressful experience as today too mush emphasis is placed on examination results. Your whole future might depend on your exam results. Students feel that it’s unfair to give a person only one chance to show what they are capable of. What is more, exams don’t actually test a person’s knowledge of a subject but rather show how much they can remember on the day of the exam. In addition, facts such as students feeling unwell or suffering from a case of nerves on the day of the exams are not taken into consideration. It often happens that you’ve participated in class, done all of your homework and studied hard. The day of the exam comes and suddenly you feel so nervous that you can’t answer the questions you knew last night. Test anxiety is a type of performance anxiety – a feeling one might have when performance is really important. So it’s vital to know how to cope with your test anxiety and to do your best on the day of the exam.

8th form Passive voice(questions)

  1. When did they steal your watch?
  2. Who has painted the portrait?
  3. Who takes care of your cat?
  4. Why do they speak so much about this film?
  5. Why aren’t they staging this wonderful play these days?

Card"Theatre" 8th form

1. Is theatre-going popular nowadays? Why/Why not?
2. What happens in the theatre before a performance starts?
3. What creates a special atmosphere at the theatre?
4. Are you an ardent theatre goer? Why/Why not?