вторник, 30 января 2018 г.

диктант 8 класс M3_3E


1.    Пройти всю длину
2.    Столкнуться с ужасающими опасностями
3.    Набрать скорость и расшириться
4.    враждебные племена
5.    истинное вдохновение
6.    смелый исследователь
7.    отправиться в экспедицию в джунгли
8.    бывший армейский капитан
9.    информировать общественность по вопросу
10.  привлечь внимание людей
11. Вести видео блог
12. Встречи с разгневанными местными жителями
13. Встреча с смертоносной  гремучей змеей
14. Сталкиваться с бесконечными трудностями
15. Рой ос
16. Вводить антибиотики
17. Природное чудо
18. Сохранить любой ценой
19. Достичь пункта назначения
           20. Контрабандист наркотиков
**1.    wide –расширять
2.    inspire –вдохновение
3.    forest –вырубка леса
4.    aware –информированность, осведомленность
5.    forget –незабываемый
6.    Peru –перуанец, перуанский
7.    fury – яростный, взбешенный
                8. foreign – иностранец

Требования к информационному листу

вторник, 23 января 2018 г.

M3_3C dictation, 8th form Module 3,


1.    Музыкальные концерты под открытым небом
2.    Зрелищные виды искусства
3.    Собирать деньги на благотворительность
4.    Привлекать людей, чтобы увидеть выступления вживую
5.    Мистическое место
6.     Летнее солнцестояние
7.    Духовные традиции
8.    Перво-наперво
9.    Разбить палатку или арендовать вигвам
10. Преданные фанаты
11. Получить сеанс массажа
12. Бесплатно насладиться вегетарианской пищей
13. Удивительные фейерверки
14. Если у вас возникли сомнения
15. Бродить
16. Самый хорошо известный вид
17. Стальная сцена в форме пирамиды
18. Ведущие музыканты
19. Активизировать вопросы защиты окружающей среды, человечности  и свободы слова
           20. Игнорировать, оставлять без внимания

Card 1 (Basic level) 8th form Module 3, 8th form 3 term

Card 1 (Basic level)

Nowadays there are a lot of social problems in the modern society.

 People all over the world suffer from homelessness, illiteracy, poverty, war and racism. Moreover, there is a high rate of crime. People also face population growth and ageing population. 

In my opinion, the most vulnerable categories of citizens are the homeless and street children. They don’t have homes, food or jobs. They often turn to crime to survive.

There are some ways to help these people. Firstly, we could donate money to a homeless charity or volunteer at a soup kitchen. We can also donate unwanted clothes instead of throwing them away.

I’m sure we can help people in need to have decent lives.

понедельник, 22 января 2018 г.

Modul 3 Cards

Card 1
You are going to give a talk about social problems. You will have to start in 1,5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).
Remember to say:
-          what social problems people face nowadays
-          which categories of citizens are the most vulnerable and why
-          what we can do to help these people

Card 2
You are going to give a talk about environmental problems. You will have to start in 1,5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).
Remember to say:
-          what environmental problems our world faces today
-          why deforestation is a major problem to our planet
-          what we can do to help the environment

            Card 3
You are going to give a talk about space exploration. You will have to start in 1,5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).
Remember to say:
-          why  space exploration is a hot topic these days
-          what two viewpoints on space exploration are
-          which point of view you support and why

вторник, 16 января 2018 г.

8th form Module 3, Poverty


1.    Сделать ч-л полезное
2.    Обеспеченное детство
3.    давать любовь и ласку
4.    обитатели трущоб
5.    беспризорные дети живут в ужасающей бедности
6.    обучать основным понятиям в импровизированной школе
7.    бедность является причиной неблагополучных семей
8.    быть жертвой насилия дома
9.    выматывающий день
10. возможный выход  из опасной и нищенской жизни
11. лачуга
12. расписание
           13. опыт, который меняет жизнь
**1. Child – детство
2. marvel – изумительный, удивительный
3. official – неофициальный
4. violent – насилие
5. wealth – богатый
6. beg – попрошайничество
7. populate - население
***1. Отправиться в
2. простираться
3. составлять
4. оказаться, очутиться
5. приниматься, браться за
6. явиться, прийти
7. лишать себя, упустить возможность

Module 3                                                Poverty

Nowadays there are a lot of problems in the modern society. People all over the world suffer from homelessness, illiteracy, war and racism. Moreover, there is a high rate of crime. People also face population growth and ageing population. That is why, poverty is on the increase.
Most of people who had a privileged childhood don`t have any idea of children in the slums. Children who live at home have plenty of love and affection. Their parents feed them, clothe them and put them through school, while thousands of street children live in appalling poverty and often don`t even reach the age of 18. The poverty leads to many broken homes and, if they experience violence at home or their families can`t look after them anymore, children end up on the streets. They sleep under bridges and in doorways. Those who can`t survive by begging, selling newspapers or shining shoes, often turn to crime to survive.  These children are not given even a basic education.  They are not taught basic skills such as hygiene and literacy as they don`t go to school. Some of them are eager to learn as they see learning as a possible way out of their lives of danger and destitution. Some volunteer groups work in makeshift schools. Working as a volunteer is a worthwhile experience which is eye-opening for everyone.

I think we should all help the poor. It`s a good idea to donate to charities. We can donate unwanted clothes and other items instead of throwing them away. I believe that no matter how bad conditions are, there is always hope for the future.

Module 3                                                Poverty

Nowadays there are……. People all……………………... Moreover, there is a……………... People also………………... That is why,………………………...
Most of people who ………………………………don`t have………………... Children who live at home………………... Their parents……………………….., while thousands …………………………..and often don`t …………………….18. The poverty leads ………………and, if they ………………….home or their families……………….., children……... They sleep…………………. Those who can`t ………………………………..shoes, often…………………...  These children are not…………...  They are not …………………….such as ……………………..as they………………... Some of them are …………….as they see……………………. Some volunteer groups……………….. Working as …………………..which is………………………….
I think we should…………….. It`s a……………….. We can …………………………………... I believe that no…………….., there…………………..

пятница, 12 января 2018 г.

Modal verbs


Modal verb
Obiligation/Duty - Обязательство/долг
It is your duty V1
You* are obliged to V1
It is the rule

You must V1
Necessity - Необходимость
1)      It is necessary for you to V1
You need to V1

You have to V1
   2)    It was necessary …..
 ……had to V1
Lack of necessity- Отсутствие необходимости                     
   1)   It isn’t necessary to V1
Don’t have to/ don’t need to/needn’t
   2)   It wasn’t necessary to V1
Didn’t have to/ didn’t need to
Prohibition- запрет
You aren’t allowed
It is forbidden
It is against the rules, It is prohibited

You mustn’t/ You can’t
Ask for permission- Запрет на
Is it OK if …?
Do you mind of…?

Can/ Could/ May I V1
Possibility- Вероятность
It is possible
It is likely

Подлеж. Could/ May/ Might V1
Ability/lack of ability- Возможность
    1)…is (n’t) able to V1

Can’t (n’t)V1
    2)…was (n’t) able to
Could (n’t) V1
    3)…(didn’t) manage (d) to V1
Was (n’t) able to V1
Offers- Предложение помощи
Would you like me to V1?
Do you me to V1?
Do you want sth?

Can I V1?/ Could I V1?/ Shall I V1?

Would you like sth?
Suggestoins- Предложения совместной
Lets V1
What about/ How about Ving?
Why don’t we V1…?

We can V1…
We could V1…
Shall we V1…?
Advice- Совет
1)      It is my advice to V1…
I advise you to V1…
It is a good idea/ thing to V1…
You had better V1…
It’ a bad idea to V1…

Should V1
Ought to V1

Shouldn’t/ Oughtn’t to V1

* You может быть заменено на другое лицо.

среда, 10 января 2018 г.

8th form Module 3 Text p48-49

  • 1.       How did you turn yourself into an 80-year-old lady?
  • 2.       What did you do to start your experiment?
  • 3.       How did the woman react?
  • 4.       How did sales assistants at the make-up counter and at a music shop treat you?
  • 5.       How did you feel?
  • 6.       Did anybody want to chat to you?
  • 7.       What do you think of all that?

  • 1.       What did you do to start your experiment?
  • 2.       Why couldn’t you sleep?
  • 3.       Did you finally doze off and how did you wake up?
  • 4.       How did people react as you walked?
  • 5.       Where did you manage to use the toilet?
  • 6.       Why didn’t you like your reflection?
  • 7.       What did you find out at a soup kitchen?
  • 8.    What has this experience taught you?
Module 3 The Elderly and the Homeless
Before you abuse, criticise and accuse, walk a mile in someone else`s shoes.
The city can be an unfriendly place for the elderly or the homeless – people who are often marginalised by the rest of society.
The elderly sometimes feel incredibly embarrassed and lonely as if nothing about them is important except that they are old. They feel invisible and unwanted by society because people don`t want to talk to chatty senior citizens. Moreover, at the shops the assistants can be unfriendly and want to get rid of them.
People also avoid looking at the homeless as they look terrible. Their eyes are red and puffy, their skin is pale and their hair is frizzy. In addition to this, they wear scruffy clothes. People are often rude to them. They are angrily told they have to leave if they walk into a café to use the toilet.
People can become homeless because of family break-ups or terrible debts. Some people can`t get off the streets because they have no official identity. The homeless need our help, not our judgment. We could donate money to a homeless charity or volunteer at a soup kitchen. We can also bring in things we no longer need or make some nice food and sell these things to people in the community. In this way we could raise money to help get homeless people off the streets.
We should also remember that over the next 50 years, the number of elderly people in society will triple. We should treat them with respect because one day we will be old, too. I’m sure we can help those in need to have decent lives.

Module 3 The Elderly and the Homeless
Before you ………….., walk a …………………shoes. The city can ……………………….homeless – people who …………………….. society.
The elderly sometimes feel ……………………………as if nothing ………………….except………….. They feel ………………by society because people don`t want……………………….. Moreover, at the shops …………………………..them.
People also avoid …………………………… terrible. Their eyes…………….., their skin ………and their hair…………. In addition to this, they wear…………... People……………….. They …………...told they have ……………..if they…………………………...
People can ……………….because of……………………. Some people can`t ………………….because they have……………. The homeless need……………, not…………………. We could …………………or ……………..kitchen. We can also ……………….or ……………..food and sell……………. In this way we ……………….to help ………………streets.
We should ………………….50 years, the number………………. We should …………………..because one day……………….., too. I’m sure we can………………………….