вторник, 11 февраля 2020 г.

7 th form Modern marvels or new nasties?

Modern marvels or new nasties?  Basic level

 Nowadays we can hardly cope without modern gadgets: our mobile phones, MP3 players and computers. However, we shouldn’t use these gadgets carelessly.
     With new games consoles, you have to move around in front of the TV. When you make the same motion again and again in a confined space, it can cause strain to your shoulder. You mustn’t play for too long, and you should warm up first.
Earphones play the music directly into your ear canal. It can cause hearing loss. You should set the volume at a low level where you can hear conversations around you.
Sending text messages is easy. However, too much texting can cause thumb arthritis. This can lead to restriction of movement, swelling, and pain. To prevent this condition, you should send fewer messages or use different fingers when you text.
A mobile phone is full of bacteria. When you press it against your face and ear, it can lead to skin problems such as acne, skin infections and rashes. You should clean your phone before you use it.
Computers are useful tools for research and entertainment. However, staring at a computer screen for an extended period of time can cause eye strain, blurred vision, dry eyes and a difficulty distinguishing between colours. You mustn’t spend too much time looking at the screen, and you should take frequent breaks.
 All in all, it depends on you not to turn modern marvels into new nasties.

четверг, 6 февраля 2020 г.

10th form letter

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Nancy who writes:

…  I know you went on a school excursion last week. What kind of place did you go?Did you find this place worth visiting? What impressed you most, why?
By the way, we’ve started planning our summer holiday.
Write a letter to Nancy.
In your letter
-              answer her questions
-              ask 3 questions about their future summer holiday.
Write 100140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.

      C6. Study the two photographs. In 1, 5 min be ready to compare and contrast the photographs.


- give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
- say what the pictures have in common
- say in what way the pictures are different
- say which means of transport presented in the pictures you’d prefer
- explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes ( 12-16 sentences). You have to speak continuously.

1.      Our lifestyle has changed dramatically in recent years.
2.      People have become very mobile.
3.      They visit remote places and commute to work every day.
4.      That is why transportation undoubtedly plays an essential role in people’s lives.
5.      These two pictures show modern means of transport.
6.      The first picture depicts a big sea liner standing in the harbour and in the second picture you can see a very busy motorway with a lot of cars standing in the traffic jam.
7.      Both pictures have some things in common.
8.      To start with, the weather in both pictures is quite good.
9.      I suppose it must be summer as it is the best season for travelling.
10.  Then, in both pictures we can see means of transport.
11.  What is more, both means of transportation are rather popular with people who are travelling long distances.
12.  However, the pictures are different.
13.  Firstly, I would like to point out that in the first picture there is a liner while in the second picture there are a lot of cars.
14.  Secondly, in the first picture people are expecting the ship to leave the port while in the second picture people are in their cars driving to reach their place of destination. 
15.  Thirdly, in the first picture the action takes place in the port while in the second picture we can see the motorway.

16.  As for me, I would prefer to travel long distances by ship( ВАШ ВЫБОР ИЗ ЭТИХ ДВУХ) rather than by car( ВАШ ВЫБОР) because ( ВАШ ПЕРВЫЙ АРГУМЕНТ С ДОКАЗАТЕЛЬСТВОМ).
17.  One more reason is that ( ВАШ ВТОРОЙ АРГУМЕНТ).
18.  As you see, the choice of a means of transport depends on one’s preferences and the cost.
19.                      That’s all.