среда, 14 ноября 2018 г.

pets 9th form

There is no denying that pets are great companions for kids and adults alike. Pets – whether dogs, cats or farm animals – make great friends for everyone in the family because they are a great source of love and friendship. Pets are playful beings in the house as they keep everyone, young and old, happy in the house.  Besides, being mere companions, pets are helpful in keeping their owners fit and healthy. Riding a horse, spending time chasing your cat or taking the dog out for long walks through the woods or in parks can be great forms of exercising.
 Pets are believed to speed up recovery in patients with major illnesses. Researchers have shown that spending some time playing with the pet can relieve you of most of your tension and fatigue. Pets have been recognized as best stress busters. Having a pet around, people are less prone to depression, anxiety and stress.  There are people who think that having pets at home makes kids and elders prone to allergies – but it has been scientifically proven that kids growing up with pets are at lesser risk of allergies and asthma.
There are many other benefits of owning pets.  Besides all the fun and happiness that pets bring into the house, they also bring along many educational benefits for both children and adults. Owning a pet allows you and your kids to understand how to love, be responsible and grow in trust with each other. With pets, children also learn basic lessons on building a strong character like loyalty.
On the other hand, owning a pet is a great responsibility. Your pet cannot take care of itself , so it  depends on you for food, love, recreation, shelter, and appropriate medical care. This means you also must have the finances to provide these things for your pet. You cannot leave a pet alone for long hours.It must have clean, fresh water. It must be taken to the vet when it gets sick or needs medication and vaccines. You need to spend time with your pet on a daily basis and give it your attention and affection.
The rewards of having a pet are numerous. A pet gives you unconditional love back regardless of your age, appearance, race, or nationality. When you are sick or sad, your pet can often sense this and will remain faithfully by your side. Your pet will never judge you for your faults or shortcomings. Your pet will provide you with companionship when others are too busy or abandon you. Petting your pet will lower your blood pressure at any time, and will calm you when you are upset. Having a pet will help you to live longer. Pet owners live 20 years longer on the average than non pet owners. That is a medical fact!
To sum up, the advantages of having a pet at home outweigh the disadvantages. However, you should still remember that as the pet owner, you have to be responsible for taking proper care of your pet.

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