вторник, 12 ноября 2013 г.

Plane crashes

Statistics claim that it is four times safer to fly in a plane than to drive a car. When an airplane does crash, however, the consequences are often catastrophic. When a plane crashes into the ground, it shatters into tiny pieces. Planes travel huge distances but 70% of aircraft accidents take place on take-off and landing. The causes of plane crashes are numerous. Pilots might experience a technical problem such as engine trouble or a problem with a fuel tank. Plane crashes are also attributed to human error, bird strike, onboard fire, or weather influence, for instance, poor visibility or fog. Sabotage and terrorist attacks when a bomb is planted on board the plane are never ruled out. Witnesses often report hearing an explosion before a plane nosedives and crashes into the ground.
Crash experts examine the wreckage and later issue a statement as to the cause of the crash. They always look for the black box flight recorder which records everything that is said in the cockpit. Pilots need to be trained to deal with dangerous situations so they are able to stay calm and think clearly in the event of an emergency. This reduces the chances of human error which often results in disaster.

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